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XSS on Sony subdomain

Hi guys. This is my first bug bounty writeup. I started to bug bounty on july 22, 2019. I want to share with community all the vulnerabilities I have found.
I choose for large scope programs when looking for bug bounty programs and for improve myself I don’t care about bounty now. So I chose SONY.

I started with subdomain enumaration. Firstly, I used and I use the following to find potential sub-domains.
Sometimes just random letters..

I found this one ( Then, I used assetfinder and httprobe by tomnomnom for subdomain enumeration and I found a deep sub-domain. Here is our target sub-domain.
assetfinder -subs-only | httprobe

Then, I used dirsearch for secret directories. The default page appeared. -u “” -e html,json,php -x 403,500 -t 50

Also, phpinfo is a information disclosure. I submitted another report

When I visit to index.php I got this page.

As you can see we have 2 parameters and if you have parameters on the empty page, firstly try to get XSS. I tried get xss on the page and I got !!
Also my favorite payload : <img onerror=”{alert`1`}” src>

Thank you !!!

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